
BLY-COVER-Page_s.jpgThe objective of the Bachat Lamp Yojana (BLY) scheme is to provide Energy Efficient Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) at the same cost i.e. Rs.15, as of Incandescent Bulbs. The cost differential would be made up by project implementer through carbon credits earned which could be traded in the International market under Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of Kyoto Protocol. The BEE coordinates the Small-Scale Programme of Activities (SSC-PoA) and supports the project implementer(s) in implementing the CDM Programme Activities (CPAs) in India through collaboration with Electricity Distribution Companies (DISCOMs). The scheme after implementation results in reducing GHG emissions (CO2) from power plants connected to the grid

The BLY CDM Programme of Activities (PoA) is registered with UNFCCC on 29th April 2010. Till date, 50 small scale BLY projects from various parts of India have been included in this registered umbrella framework and 44 projects have been implemented. As a result, about 29 million CFLs have been distributed during XI plan period.

The Bachat Lamp Yojana PoA is a scheme developed by BEE to promote energy efficient lighting in India. There are no mandatory requirements in India requiring the use of energy efficient CFL at the household level. All the key players under the scheme like the BEE and participating implementer(s), DISCOMs and households are voluntarily taking part under this scheme.

An Avoided Generation Capacity of 415 MW has been achieved by the CFL distribution during XI plan which is verified by third party. The Monitoring and Verification process of the BLY PoA has commenced for issuance of CERs for the completed projects.

Presentation on BLY