The broad noteworthy activities of an IAME are:

  • Conduct check testing and challenge testing as per the directions from BEE.
  • The IAME shall be completely responsible for the transportation activity for check testing samples. IAME has to ensure that the sample is received at laboratory in a correct manner and it is not tampered and damaged, until it is opened in front of laboratory representative at respective lab.
  • IAME shall review the test reports, if the claim is met by the test results declared by the lab, the product should be declared as passed and the test reports should be submitted to BEE.
  • The IAME shall keep a track of check testing status through S & L e-portal and shall provide the status update to BEE at the end of every fortnight in the prescribed formats.
  • IAME shall coordinate with the laboratories to get the testing schedule IAME has to depute its official to witness the second check testing. However, in case of fresh testing witness will not require. IAME has to ensure second check testing shall be done on priority.