1. Notification for Revision of the value of per metric tonne of oil equivalent of energy consumed
2. Target Notification of PAT cycle -VI |
3. Notification of PAT cycle - V
4. Notification for reduction of threshold Level
5. Notification for targets of DISCOM sector
6. PAT Rules, Amendement -2018
7. Notification for PAT Cycle - IV
8. Notification of Petrochemical sector under PAT Scheme
9. Notification for Commercial Buildings Sector under PAT Scheme
10. Corrigendum-PAT III
11. Notification for PAT Cycle - III
12. Notification for PAT Cycle - II
13. PAT Rules, Amendement- 2016
14. Notification of Railway, Refinery and DISCOM sectors under PAT scheme
15. Notification for the conduct of Energy Audit
16. PAT Rules, 2012
17. Target Notification for PAT cycle -I
18. Notification for Minimum annual energy consumption to become a Designated Consumer, 2007
19. Notification of Form 1, 2007
20. Bureau of Energy Efficiency (the manner and Intervals of Time for Conduct of Energy Audit) Regulations, 2009
21. Bureau of Energy Efficiency (Manner and Intervals of Time for Conduct of Energy Audit) Regulations, 2010
22. Energy Conservation (Form, Manner and Time for furnishing information with regard to Energy Consumed and Action Taken on Recommendations of Accredited Energy Auditor) Rules, 2008