
1 India and the European Union

Cooperation between India and the European Union (EU) in the energy sector is guided by the India – EU Energy Panel. The Energy Panel is led by MEA from the Indian side. The last meeting of the Panel was held on 26/10/2016, to discuss cooperation in the field of energy.

The Panel broadly agreed to achieve the target outlined through a work plan 2016-18. It was also decided to add clean energy and climate partnership in addition to exploring possible cooperation on energy efficiency in industry, exchanges on storage, battery technology and electric vehicles, enhancing the flexibility of thermal power plants and finally support the financing of investments in RE's Projects. The work plan was proposed to be executed through joint working groups:

  • JWG on Energy Security (co-chairs: DG ENER and MEA/ MoPNG).
  • JWG on Renewable Energy (co-chairs: DG ENER and MNRE).
  • JWG on Energy Efficiency, Smart Grids and Electricity Markets (co-chairs: DG ENER and MoP).
  • JWG on Clean Coal (co-chairs: DG ENER and MoP + MoC).

The first meeting of Joint Working Group on “Energy Efficiency, Smart Grids and Electricity Markets” with the EU was held on 15.03.2019 in New Delhi.

The second meeting of Joint Working Group on “Energy Efficiency, Smart Grids and Electricity Markets” with the EU was held virtually on 04.12.2020. The meeting was chaired by Additional Secretary (Internal Co-operation), Ministry of Power, Govt. of India and Head of Unit International Relations (ENER) from EU side.

Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power and EU successfully organized the second virtual meeting of the Common Implementation Forum (knowledge exchange forum between BEE, EU, Indian states, EU Member States) on 17.11.2021 as part of EU-India Clean Energy and Climate Partnership (CECP).

In the area of electrification, one strategy study was delivered, which subsequently was discussed with relevant stakeholders in a stakeholder consultation/webinar. The strategy titled ‘Elements of Electrification Strategy for India’ explores the current status, relevant policies and potential for economy-wide electrification in India and presents recommendations for deep electrification based on learnings from relevant technological, market- and policy-level advances in Europe to achieve the same. The study was discussed with relevant stakeholders from various ministries, think tanks and industry associations in a webinar.

2 India – France

  • Development of sustainable mobility, with specific focus on electric transport (charging infrastructure, smart chargers, smart grid interaction, etc.)
  • Development of tools for collection, use and analysis of energy efficiency related data across sectors leading to energy efficiency indicators
  • Development of tools for collection, use and analysis of CO2 emissions and GHG data for tracking global emissions for INDCs.

After several rounds of discussions between BEE and ADEME officials, draft Terms of Reference for Cooperation between BEE & ADEME on the implementation of a national energy efficiency monitoring system in India were developed.

The project ‘Monitoring Energy Efficiency in India through Energy Efficiency Indicators’ is a collaborative work between Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), India and French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME), France for the development of Energy Efficiency Indicators in India. Energy efficiency indicators assist in monitoring the energy consumption trends and the status of energy efficiency in a country.

The ADEME team along with ENERDATA (Enerdata is an independent research and consulting firm specializing in the analysis and modelling of the global energy markets and its drivers assisting in development.

3 Indo German

The Indo-German Energy Forum (IGEF) was established in April, 2006 between Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and Republic of India to intensify the Indo-German Co-operation to promote dialogue and cooperation with involvement of public and private sector in the areas of energy security, energy efficiency, renewable energy, investment in energy projects and collaborative R&D. While the IGEF is a high-level policy dialogue between India and Germany, the IGEF Support Office is incorporated in the structure of the Indo-German Energy Programme (IGEN).

Under the Indo-German Energy Forum there are 4 sub-groups.

Sub-group 1 is efficiency enhancement in fossil fuel-based power plants,

Sub-group 2 is renewable energy

Sub-group 3 is demand side energy efficiency and low carbon growth strategies

Sub-group 4 is green Energy Corridors.

The Sub-Group 3 is being led by Bureau of Energy Efficiency are working to put in place a positive environment for enhancing energy efficiency. This is achieved by facilitating a constructive dialogue between decision-makers in Government and the private sector in both countries.

Activities and current progress in area of Cooperation between BEE and IGEF under subgroup 3

  • Working on energy efficiency in industry, cooling and shifting electricity demand peaks at night when solar power is not available.
  • Exploring opportunities with studies under followings topics i.e. Study on Energy Efficiency and Demand Shift in Steel, Overview successful Green Hydrogen Pilots in Germany, Study on Demand Shift potential in Cooling.
  • Various workshops and seminars on topics such as CO2 markets, energy efficient brick manufacturing (E3 mark), ESCO business models and Energy Efficiency in Buildings were organized.

Indo German Energy Programme (IGEN)

The Indo-German Technical Co-operation in the field of Energy Conservation has been going on since 1995, when the Indo-German Energy Efficiency project, was launched in May 1995, by the Energy Management Centre, a predecessor organization of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), through Tata Energy Research Institute, Bangalore. The project was completed in September 2000. With the enactment of the Energy Conservation Act 2001 and establishment of Bureau of Energy Efficiency with effect from 1st March 2002, the cooperation in the field of energy conservation continued under the project "Indo-German Energy Programme (IGEN) with the objective to support policies and programmes of the Energy Conservation Act.

District Cooling System

The project “Energy Efficient Cooling – EE-Cool” has been initiated under the Indo-German Energy Programme (IGEN) on the basis of an implementation agreement signed on 01.11.2019 between the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH financed through the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the Government of Germany.

As per the agreement mentioned above the project supports the BEE in the implementation of the India Cooling Action Plan (ICAP) with regard to energy-efficient centralised space cooling systems, taking into account the positive climate effects of non-partially fluorinated or partially halogenated refrigerants.

The project has been extended cost-neutrally until 31.12.2023.

Energy Efficiency in Industry and Data

The Indian and German Government, in their government-to-Government negotiations in 2019, agreed to provide technical assistance up to EUR 4 million for promoting energy efficiency in steel, pulp and paper or any other similar industry sector. In line with this commitment, a new project “Energy Efficiency in Industry and Data” has been commissioned by BMZ Germany, with a planned duration of 3 Years i.e (2020-23). The project focusses to strengthen the secondary steel and the paper sectors through various technical and policy level aspects at state and national level.

The main objectives of the project are:

  1. Capacity building of selected State Designated Agency to promote energy efficiency in Non-PAT industries
  2. Providing Non-PAT secondary steel and pulp and paper industries with access to information on key energy efficiency processes and technologies
  3. Institutionalization of peer-to-peer learning among SDAs and Non-PAT secondary steel and pulp and paper industry clusters
  4. National Energy Efficiency dialogue for secondary steel and pulp and paper sector between policy makers, research institutions and business associations.

4. India — US Collaboration

The cooperation between India and the US in the Power sector is under the umbrella of Indo - US Energy Dialogue. The Dialogue was launched in May, 2005 and has the following objectives: 

  1. To enhance mutual energy security,
  2. Promote increased energy trade and investment,
  3. Facilitate the deployment of clean energy technologies.

The Dialogue has been renamed as US – India Strategic Clean Energy Partnership (SCEP). The Ministerial meeting of the US – India SCEP is co-chaired by Hon’ble Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas and the US Secretary of Energy. Currently the US – India SCEP has the following pillars:

Sr.No. Pillar Nodal Ministry on the Indian side
1 Responsible Oil & Gas Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
2 Emerging Fuels Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
3 Power & Energy Efficiency Ministry of Power
4 Renewable Energy Ministry of New & Renewable Energy
5 Sustainable Growth NITI Aayog

U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) and India’s Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) collaborate under the aegis of the Power and Energy Efficiency Working Group. The main goal of the collaborations was to support development and implementations of energy efficient policies and best practices that can help achieve national energy efficiency goals and significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. For implementation of projects identified in the Working Group (Power and Energy Efficiency).


US Dept. of Energy (DOE), and BEE are exploring areas for collaboration to enhance energy efficiency and energy savings in the industrial sector by advancing a comprehensive energy management system in accordance with ISO-50001, waste heat recovery, industry deep-decarbonization and use of hydrogen.

BEE and US Department of Energy collaborated to enhance energy efficiency and energy savings in the industrial sector by advancing a comprehensive energy management system in accordance with ISO 500001. Two Webinar session organized on Industrial Efficiency: ISO 50001 Energy Management System highlighting the Textile, Pulp & Paper and Thermal Power Plant sectors during the month of September and October 2021.

India along with USDOE is currently working on-

  1. India Building Sector Outlook to support long-term policy and regulatory capacity and improve investment decision-making for sustainable growth of the building sector.
    Under this DOE working with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNP) to facilitate development of India’s Building Sector Outlook with projected baseline and mitigation models. This will entail low carbon-pathway scenarios for India’s commercial and residential building sectors. This will include embodied carbon mitigation for steel and cement as pervasive regional building materials that are hard to decarbonize, as well as operational carbon mitigation
  2. India Grid-integrated Efficient Buildings (GEB) Feasibility Framework to support building to-grid-to community-scale integration with cost-effective distributed energy resources
    Under this DOE working along with, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNP) for development of India GEB Feasibility Framework for technologies and investments leveraging the national lab’s domestic leadership in this space. GEBs could enable significant value streams for energy planning and reporting (integrated land use planning and community infrastructure investments in microgrids, storage, district heating and cooling), energy efficiency(leveraging optimizations for community-scale energy supply and demand), flexible load management (grid-edge load management to offset, shift, and flatten loads for multiple buildings and EV fleets), cost savings and revenue generation (participating in grid services), and social benefits such as energy resilience, equity, and awareness.
  3. Waste Heat Recovery

    USDOE along with ORNL is working to provide an overview of MEASUR and the process heating tool, in particular. Advance Manufacturing Office (AMO) under DOE has developed several software tools over the years to help manufacturers identify opportunities and calculate potential energy savings. Recently, these tools have been updated to also include carbon/CO2e mitigation values, and AMO has consolidated them into a platform called the MEASUR tool suite. (A single program with multiple embedded apps.) MEASUR tool suite can analyse most major support systems found within manufacturing facilities, including pumps, fans, process heat, steam, and compressed air. One webinar on MEASUR tool suite is scheduled to be held on 13th September, 2022 and webinar on Deep dive on process heating modeling tool (PHAST) & case studies 29th September, 2022 respectively.

5. India -UK Collaboration

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between India and the United Kingdom on cooperation in the energy sector was signed during the visit of Hon'ble Prime Minister of India to UK during November, 2015.

The MoU provides framework for technical assistance, including in-kind grant, and other support, as mutually agreed, through relevant projects initiated by the United Kingdom. The MoU also encourage development of project specific agreements on time-to-time basis.

A PPR of India-UK new partnership programme of Technical Assistance Collaboration on Power Sector was approved by the Screening Committee of Department of Economic Affairs.  Accordingly, a DPR has been submitted by the UK side for further taking up the project.

The project will focus on the following themes outlined below. All the themes will aid India’s efforts to transition towards a low carbon economy as well as deepening UK-India collaboration in advance of COP26 in Glasgow 2021.

Theme 1: Electricity distribution sector

Theme 2: Energy Efficiency includes 2 sub-themes:

Industrial Energy Efficiency Chaired by DG, BEE

Electric mobility charging infrastructure Chaired by CE (EC & ET), MoP

3rd India – UK Energy for Growth Partnership Ministerial Energy Dialogue held on 8th October 2021 to strengthen collaboration on accelerating the move to global clean energy in the decade ahead. Government of India endorsed Roadmap 2030 for India-UK forward Action Plan on clean energy, improving energy efficiency measures, enabling use of green hydrogen, and increasing the switch to electric mobility.

Sub-theme- Industrial Energy Efficiency. Following action have been initiated-

Work Package 1:

Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and the British High Commission (BHC) is working on Rejuvenation of Knowledge Exchange Platform which was launched on 26th February 2015 for promoting industrial energy efficiency. The objective of the KEP was to promote energy efficiency (EE) measures among industries through sharing of best practices, sectoral learnings and EE technologies adopted by other industries. The KEP primarily covered nine large energy intensive industries under the Perform, Achieve and Trade (PAT) scheme of BEE and enabled them to develop strategies and solutions that can enhance their energy productivity and performance. The purpose of this work package is to rebuild and launch the KEP as a one-stop shop for all energy efficiency needs of industries by integrating new features and make it sustainable beyond the programme duration. This would include a database of proven & emerging technologies available in India and globally, database of technology providers and financial institutions for enhancing adoption of EE technologies/ solutions including broader solutions such as fuel switching, material substitution, circularity, resource efficiency, Industry 4.0, etc

Work Package 2:

Industrial Energy Efficiency and Decarbonisation Knowledge and Technology Partnerships

India with UK is working in the area of Industrial Energy Efficiency and Decarbonization Knowledge and Technology Partnerships. It includes identification and development of partnership and deployment opportunities for deploying UK and international decarbonisation technologies in larger industries in India, a gap assessment of Indian industrial decarbonisation based upon primary and secondary research will be mapped to UK/International technology expertise. This will facilitate the identification of key technology providers and users for tailored partnership development support. Based on assessment of Building on industry prioritisation, technology gap assessment, and development of provider/user longlist, a tailored programme of brokerage and deployment support activities will be undertaken.

6. Indo-Switzerland

The Indo-Swiss Building Energy Efficiency Project (BEEP) is a bilateral cooperation between the Ministry of Power (MoP), Government of India and the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) of the Swiss Confederation. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) is the Implementing agency on behalf of the MoP while the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is the agency on behalf of the FDFA.

Consequent to the Cabinet Approval by the Govt. of India, an MoU for a five-year joint project with an overall objective to reduce energy consumption in new buildings in India was signed between the two governments on 8th November 2011 and was valid till 7th November 2016. The successful implementation of the project during 2011-2016, resulted in the two governments agreeing to extend the MoU for 5 years. Hence, the extension of the MoU for a follow-up phase of BEEP (8th November 2016 – 7th November 2021) was signed in the month of November 2016. The MoU’s for the follow-up phase were exchanged between the two countries on 28th November 2016 at the BEEP International Conference in the presence of Mr. Piyush Goyal, the then Minister of State (IC) for Power, Coal, New & Renewable Energy, Mines, Govt. of India. The project is also in the process of seeking an extension till December 2022 to complete the activities delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Activities completed under the bilateral (FY 2020-21):

  1. Eco-Niwas Samhita Implementation: BEEP is providing technical support to BEE with the implementation of Energy Conservation Building Code for Residential Buildings or Eco-Niwas Samhita (ENS). Over 1500 participants attended the National Training Program on ECBC and ENS as part of the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav event on 18th – 19th July, 2021. The NEERMAN awards were launched on 16th July, 2022 under the Amrit Mahotsav event organized by BEE by the Hon’ble Minister of Power. BEEP assisted BEE with the conceptualization and implementation of the NEERMAN awards which aims to recognize and award exemplary commercial and residential buildings which comply with ECBC and ENS.
  2. BEEP developed the document “Building Envelope Solution Sets (v 1.0) for Eco Niwas Samhita, 2018”. The publication was released by the Secretary, Ministry of Power during the “National Workshop on Energy efficiency in Residential Buildings” under Bharat ki Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav on 10th December 2021 at New Delhi.
  3. Tools and Technologies: BEEP has developed a simulation software “Vayu Pravah” to analyze the natural ventilation potential in buildings through Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The CFD tool “Vayu Pravah” along with its user manual was released by the Secretary, Ministry of Power during the “National Workshop on Energy efficiency in Residential Buildings” under Bharat ki Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav on 10th December 2021 at New Delhi. The tool will help building designers in designing better naturally ventilated buildings. Two online training programmes were organised for building professionals and were attended by 200 professionals.
  4. BEEP has also developed a manual for building designers on the External Movable Shading Systems (EMSyS), used to shade windows, available in the Indian market. The project also undertook a study to measure the reduction in room temperature and savings in electricity used for air-conditioning through the use of EMSyS products. The manual was released by Secretary, Ministry of Power during the “National Workshop on Energy efficiency in Residential Buildings” under Bharat ki Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav on 10th December 2021 at New Delhi.
  5. Architecture & Engineering Student Education & Training: BEEP is focusing on training under-graduate and post-graduate Architecture & Engineering students in integrated energy-efficient building design. BEEP organised the 3rd edition of its flagship BEEP Student Camp (originally a 1-week residential program) as a 2-week online program due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The program was attended by 60 participants pan India, comprising of both students and young professionals from architecture and engineering backgrounds. A book on “Building Heat Transfer: Understanding through Numerical Examples” was developed in collaboration with IIT Bhilai. The publication was released by the Secretary, Ministry of Power during the “National Workshop on Energy efficiency in Residential Buildings” under Bharat ki Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav on 10th December 2021 at New Delhi. Two online training programmes for faculty members was organized, which was attended by around 50 faculty members.
  6. Media Engagement on Energy Efficient Buildings: BEEP is supporting BEE in increasing media engagement on the issue of energy efficiency in buildings. BEEP has partnered with the Centre for Media Studies (CMS) to conduct a series of workshops on the topic for journalists. A 2-week training for journalism students was conducted during October 2021 in collaboration with the Centre for Media Studies (CMS). Hon’ble Union Minister for Power, New & Renewable Energy launched the media manuals developed under BEEP at the Energy Conservation Day event held at Vigyan Bhawan on 14th December 2021.

7. India – Russia

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between BEE and Russian Energy Agency (REA) in February, 2020 at Moscow to promote cooperation in the area of Energy Efficiency. The sides noted the interest in cooperation in the field of energy audits and participation in international Energy Efficiency festivals.

A meeting was held between BEE and Russian Energy Agency (REA) on February, 2022 to discuss the way forward for implementing the activities as planned in the MoU. The following actions were taken:

  1. BEE has sent REA, reports outlining the results of BEE`s work in recent years for REA to study the projects and to decide on the potential topics of the upcoming events;
  2. REA has provided BEE with a link to the English version of the public business science magazine “Energy Policy” for BEE to study the content in order to explore the opportunity for Indian experts, to be published in the magazine.
  3. BEE and REA to prepare a roadmap which will include topics of the future events taking into account the mutually decided proposals as well as the report provided by BEE. The topics may include:
    1. Energy efficiency in energy sector
    2. CCS and hydrogen (in the context of achieving climate targets) and
    3. carbon regulation against the background of India carbon market development.

8. Indo —Japan Energy Dialogue

As an outcome of the visit of Hon'ble Prime Minister of India to Japan in December 2006, Indo-Japan Energy Dialogue co-chaired by Deputy Chairman Planning Commission and Minister of Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry METI was initiated to promote cooperation in energy sector.


  • Development of Energy Conservation Guidelines and Energy Management Manual

A meeting was organized at Bureau of Energy Efficiency on 17th November, 2016 to discuss about the Energy Conservation Guidelines and Energy Management Manual that are being used by the Industries in Japan having the participation of officials of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), The Energy Conservation Centre, Japan (ECCJ), The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) and Designated Consumers (DCs) representing various industry sub-sectors. The benefits of the Energy Conservation Guidelines and Energy Management Manuals that are being used by the industries in Japan were highlighted. These guidelines and manuals would help Indian Industries in achieving energy efficiency.

Further, for implementation of Energy conservation guidelines and development of Energy Management Manuals, 9 model factories and Designated Consumers form various PAT sectors were selected.

As per the current Covid situation, ECCJ and BEE agreed to disseminate the EM Manuals through web meetings and webinars. Thus, the activities were divided into Plan A, B and C are as below:

Plan A: Dissemination of EC Guidelines and EM Manuals

The Plan A was to disseminate the EC Guidelines and EM Manuals to more Designated Consumers from all PAT sectors.

Plan B: Improvement in the EM Manuals by Model Factories

For Plan B, webinars were conducted for Model Factories for improvement in EM manuals.

Plan C: Development of verification system for EC Guideline compliance

For development of Verification system for EC Guidelines, the webinar were conducted with officials from BEE and SDAs.